“Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who will come after”

-Dr.Christiane Northrup

Founding this group with the support of other empowered and incredible sisters is my humble attempt to address the kind of issues I have faced so far in life with women.

Over the years I noticed many groups with the intent of offering support & guidance for career, however very few which were focused on nurturing & emotional support. I am a strong believer of the fact that if we are emotionally healthy then we can easily be successful in other aspects of life.

In olden days women used to be part of a tribe and help each other combat the little challenges that were thrown to us by life. However, in today’s day and age that connection between women seems to be getting lost slowly but surely. I came across the disturbing rivalry between women at the workplace and in personal relationships too. Hence, the idea of spreading the concept of ‘sisterhood’ took birth in my heart.

And the first baby step was to form this group in September 2018. The purpose of forming this group is to promote deep healing through sharing. The idea is to provide a safe space to women of all ages where they can be part of a support system. The core values practiced here are empathy, mentoring, self-development and social responsibility.

We are a community which I pray eventually becomes a cult; but the religion here would be that of practicing ‘sisterhood’ by uplifting each other in every way possible and someday eradicate the culture of pulling each other down.

We meet once a month and share any personal events/seek advice/vent/learn. One of the sisters also conducts a learning session in various ways, at times in the form of a self-love meditation or an informative lecture. It is an inclusive and enjoyable process.

We make regular contributions to support a particular orphanage. One of our sisters is also working on a project to rescue and train young girls in the coast who end up in prostitution due to poverty and lack of guidance. If you wish to contribute to these noble causes please contact us.

We are growing slowly and as of now have 17 sisters as part of our group. I urge more women to become part of our community to help make this world a better place.